pp108 : Defining Business Week Pattern

Defining Business Week Pattern

This topic describes how you can define your business week pattern for your business calendar.

Before you begin this task: Create a business calendar

  1. Select a starting point and click (Business Calendar) to open an existing business calendar. Note: By default, the Default Week Calendar tab view of the business calendar appears.
  2. Enter the Name and Description for your business calendar.
  3. Click the Insert () icon to define your working day. A drop down list appears in the Day column.
  4. Select the required day from the drop down list to make it as a working day.
  5. Click in the Start Time column and enter the start time in HH:MM format for the selected working day.
  6. Click in the End Time column and enter the end time in HH:MM format for the selected working day. Your business week pattern is defined.
  • Repeat the above specified Step 3 through Step 6 to define your entire business week. You can also plan multiple periods for a single work day; for instance, you can define one period from 9:00 till 12:00 and another period from 13:00 till 17:00 on Monday.
  • You can also define exceptions to your default business week pattern and link the exceptions to your business calendar using the Calendar Exceptions tab.


  • Multiple segments should not overlap for periods on a single day.
  • The time that you enter in this screen is interpreted using the time zone defined at Time Zone Settings.

Related information

Business Calendar
Business Calendar SOAP APIs
Using a Business Calendar
Working with a Business Calendar